Jerk Trio

Hey folks, I hope you’re ready for another heaping helping of hot because, this week, I’m back with not one, not two but three fiery jerk blends, featuring everything from the traditional scotch bonnet to one of the UK’s absolute hottest. And every single one of them comes from a company that I know and love!

Hot Pods, Alkemio Kitchen, Daddy Cool’s and even Cliff, the Devon Chilli Man, are all represented among today’s trio and I’m looking forward to the lot. But, even so, one particular product stands out. And not just in its appearance…

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Salty Seconds

Greetings again, fiery food fans. Today’s feature comes, at least in part, from one of you. So, if you’re reading this, Verminskyi, thanks for the suggestion!

But, that said, I didn’t want to bring you all just one product this week. I’m not just showcasing the requested Wiltshire Chilli Farm salt.

No, I’m pairing it with a second product from an equally well known brand. Another naga salt, similarly-spiked with peppercorns to enhance both heat and flavour. This week, we’re looking at The Chilli Jam Man, too:


A second salt-based showdown to test Wiltshire’s “fearless flavour” oncemore and see how they fair against a more mainstream opponent.

Will their second salt knock it out of the park, like their milder chipotle sort, or will the Jam Man prove himself the fiercer rival? Read on to find out!

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Bonfire Brew

Hey there heat seekers. Today, we’re celebrating bonfire night, and the start of november in general, with a selection of roasted coffee bean products.

One from the ever-famous Queen Majesty, of former Hot Ones fame. One sent by my buddy Jason, of Burning Desire Foods – A company that I’ve featured plenty of times. And the last, a name that’s completely new to me: Chilli Scrumptious.


All three are heavily themed around their use of coffee and spice but Burning Desire’s is a little bit different. In part, because it’s a rub but also because it was free to me. A review sample, not a purchase.

I feel a little bad about including it in a comparison post, alongside sauces that I’ve paid for, but it was that or make my thursday reviews a regular feature. Which I’m quite simply not prepared to do.

Last week’s was a one-off holiday special.

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The Mayan Grind

Hello again, fiery food friends. Having heard from them just last month, I’m sure it comes as no great shock to see Fat Man Chilli Co on here once more but today, we’re getting just a little further out there in ideas.

That probably sounds like a rather bold claim after their wacky green sauce but that’s the thing – Both their green and their chilli ketchup were sauces. This week’s item is anything but.

What I have on show today is a grinder containing their Sweet Child o’ Mayan – A coffee, cocoa and chilli rub intended to glaze dark meats.


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Tikka Time

Happy tuesday again people. Last month I took a look at Mahi Fine Foods’ Lime & Coriander Rub & Marinade, only to find it absolutely heatless.

It wasn’t bad but it did leave me scrambling for something else to feature. It was a mistake that I won’t be making twice.

As I sit down to write about their Tikka Marinade, I can assure you that I’ve already read through the ingredients at least five times:

Water, Tomato Paste, Onions, Red Chilli Paste, Garlic Paste, Rapeseed Oil, Salt, Ginger Paste, Citric Acid, Ground Paprika, Yoghurt, Mixed Spices, Beetroot and Stabilizer: Xanthan Gum.

This one has chilli in it and, if the taste is anything to go by, it’s got a fair bit at that.

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Feeling Cheesy

Hey folks, bit of a last minute switcheroo this week.

I was going to be showing you another Mahi product – One of the many extra marinades that they sent me recently – but then I took another look at its ingredients list and realised something:

Their Lime & Coriander Rub & Marinade has no chilli in it!

And sure, I’ve featured a couple of non-chilli products before and done recipes that focused on non-chilli spices but that’s the thing; they all focused on their heat source.

The marinade in question does no such thing. Despite claiming a medium heat intensity, it has no burn to it, nor any obvious black pepper flavour. It’s just sweet yet tangy, in a way that makes it rather like ranch dressing.

I can imagine it would make a gorgeous caesar salad with a bit of anchovy blended into it or an equally wonderful new potato one without but, as a spice freak writing for other fiery food lovers, I just can’t make a main feature out of it.

So instead, here’s some cheese:

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My First Marinade

Alright, everyone, I’ve left a little too much time between these and will try to be a little quicker about uploading the next one but here we go with the third of my Mahi Fine Food reviews.

This time, though, it’s not your average sauce. It’s a dedicated rub and marinade.

The first such product to be featured on my site, in fact.

2017-09-25 12.25.01

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