The Chilli Pepper company

The Chilli Pepper Company, run by Gerald Fowler (or just “Ged”), were the first company to ever send me samples for review, before my blog was even up and running. It was, in fact, their generosity that gave me the kick I needed to get started back in 2016.

But, despite the sauces that they sent me, I’ve bought far more from them than I’ve ever recieved free and it wasn’t their sauces that kept me going back.

No, the “Ballbreaker” that they make for Ted Barrus may be an excellent blend of peppers and strawberries but it was their seed selection that really got me hooked.

With well over a hundred different varieties, several of which they are the exculsive seller of, The Chilli Pepper Company are one of the best sources of rare and superhot seeds in the UK. And, if it’s the superhot end you’re into, I strongly recommend either their delicious Naga Vipers or the potential future world record that is the Fatalii Gourmet Jigsaw.

Getting back to their sauces, though, the Witches’ Brew is an excellent savoury cinnamon jerk-style one and their fruity, mustard Dragon’s Breath actually uses a potential future world record but, for the truest of madmen among you, they also produce what may well be the hottest extract sauce on the planet.

Whatever it is that piques your interest, you can find the company website at and I have yet more reviews of them to come.